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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

 Staff in Year 3

Your class teacher is Miss Pierpoint and your teaching assistant is Miss Taylor.

Year 3 classroom 


Our Daily Routine

Entry to Year 3 is through the Junior entrance at the Derwent entrance to the school.

Doors open at 0840 for an 08:45 start 

Collection is at 15:15 

Please ensure children arrive promptly so that learning can start immediately. 


Key PE Information

Primary PE Schemes of Work, PE Lesson Plans, CPD & more | real PE

Please note your child's PE days.

Your PE days are Monday and Friday. Please bring kit into school on ready to change at school on these days. 

Your kit should consist of a t-shirt the colour of your house group, black shorts or joggers and pumps or trainers. You can also wear a black hoodie or sweater to keep you warm outdoors.

House colours

Dragonroar - red

Eagleeye - green

Otterstone - blue

Tigerstripe - yellow

Homework Expectations

A piece of Maths will be assigned every Friday - this will be set on LBQ. The passwords for this have been sent in your child's home reading diary. 

Children on the book band scheme.

Children will be given a reading book weekly, please try to read for 10 minutes each night.  Children are responsible for changing their own books. Whole school rewards are provided for those children who read regularly. 

Children continuing on the RWI scheme.

Children will need have their books changed on a Wednesday by the group teacher.

Please send books in daily as children will have the first 10 minutes of everyday in class to read their books.

Occasionally, homework will be assigned in other subjects.  When this happens details of what to do and due dates will be on that homework.

Practise your times tables with this exciting game designed to help you get quicker at recall. Play against the clock, friends and even teachers! Ask your teacher for your login. Click this link for the webpage - ttrockstars


Please see attached newsletters below.